Journal Publications (2020 – 2021)

The following are publications of BIM faculty members under BIM affiliation published in Scopus, WoS and ABDC Journals

Dr. V. P. Sriraman

  1. Srirraman V P, C.T.Sunil Kumar, Mahesh R Pillai (2020). “Economic Implications of Currency Rate Fluctuations in Inyternational Financial Markets”, PalArch’s Journal of Archaelogy of Egypt / Egyptology, PJAEE. (Scopus Indexed)
  2. SB Venkatesh., V.P.Sriraman (2020), “A PCA Based Study on the Impact of Port Infrastructure Development on Employee Satisfaction at the New Mangalore Port” International Journal of Management, IJAME. (Scopus Indexed)
  3. SB Venkatesh., V.P.Sriraman (2020) “A Notional Research on implementing Green Port Startgy at the New Mangalore Port Trust” International Journal of Management, IJAME. (Scopus Indexed)
  4. Sunil Kumar C. T., V.P. Sriraman, Mahesh R Pillai (2020) “Challenges in the International Business Market through fixed currency systems: A Study based on business scenario in UAE” Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience. (Scopus Indexed)

Dr. S. Jaya Krishna

  1. Jaya Krishna (2021), Impact of Culture on Humanitarian Operations: Review and Insights SCMS Journal of Indian Management Indexed. (UGC-CARE List)

Dr. Satyanarayana Rentala

  1. Employability of MBA students, PalArch’s Journal of Archaeology of Egypt/ Egyptology (2020). (Scopus Indexed)

Dr. A. John Peter

  1. Employability of MBA students PalArch’s Journal of Archaeology of Egypt/ Egyptology.

Dr. Ajay Pandey

  1. Ajay Pandey (2020) Barriers to Viability of Indian Power Distribution Companies, “International Journal of Energy Sector Management”, Scopus Indexed
  2. Ajay Pandey (2020) Making Development of Hydropower Viable in India: Issues and Challenges Indian Journal of Power & River Valley Development, Scopus Indexed
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