Tamil Nadu Chief Minister’s
Fellowship Programme 2024-2026

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The State of Tamil Nadu has now embarked upon achieving good governance in all spheres of its programmes. As a part of this initiative, the Government of Tamil Nadu, through the Department of Special Programme Implementation, launched the prestigious “Tamil Nadu Chief Minister’s Fellowship Programme (TNCMFP)” in 2022. Fellows are actively involved in the flagship and priority schemes of the State Government, and they work under the various departments allotted to them. Their role is to identify issues and aid in data-driven decision-making regarding the assigned programs to address the gaps and optimize the service delivery in line with the global best practices.
The state government has launched the second batch of this prestigious fellowship programme. This two-year fellowship program will be open to qualified individuals from diverse professional and academic backgrounds. These fellows will be selected through a transparent and rigorous selection process. A total of twenty-five fellows will be selected for this programme.
Academic Partner
The Government of Tamil Nadu has appointed the Bharathidasan Institute of Management (BIM) Tiruchirapalli as its academic partner to conduct the fellowship programme.
- Create a pool of knowledgeable and action-oriented resources for the Government to work on policy efficacy, identify gaps, and build internationally referred benchmarks for policy and program outcomes.
- Evolve a ‘program structure’ with a combination of academic rigour drawn from international best practices of policy and governance for various sectors of Tamil Nadu.
- Conceive and implement a framework of evaluation to measure, evaluate, and improve the service delivery of the Government across different departments and different sectors in Tamil Nadu.
- Develop the Key Performance Indicators (KPI) for service delivery and compare them against the global best practices./li>
- Develop and implement the measuring system for each of the KPIs across various sectors and create a magic quadrant of different service delivery processes in terms of their maturity and impact.
- Create a learning process for the Fellows and the Government to measure and evaluate policy outcomes, gaps, and course corrections.
- Enable the Fellowship resources to identify impact creation and scale up best practices.
- The understanding of state economy, linkage of policy and economic activities, and financial planning for higher value chain activities.
Duration: 2 Years
Stipend: Rs.75000 per month
Programme Eligibility
1. A first-class Bachelor’s degree in respect of Professional Courses (Engineering, Medicine, Law, Agriculture, Veterinary Science) or a first-class Master’s degree in Arts/Science from any of the Universities incorporated by an Act of the Central or State Legislature in India, or other educational institutions established by an Act of Parliament, or declared as a Deemed-to-be University under Section 3 of the University Grants Commission Act, 1956, or an equivalent qualification.
- Candidates with a PhD degree will be preferred.
- Work experience will be an added advantage.
- Strong emphasis will be on research experience.
- Working knowledge of Tamil is mandatory.
2. Age Limit: The applicant’s age shall be between 22-30 years as of the date of opening of the online application. For candidates belonging to the SC/ST category, the maximum age limit shall be 35 years, and for candidates belonging to the BC/MBC category, the maximum age limit shall be 33 years.
Selection Process
The selection process includes three stages as follows:
Stage 1: Preliminary Assessment (Computer-based Test)
Stage 2: Comprehensive Examination (Written Examination)
Stage 3: Personal Interview
- The Preliminary Assessment will be a computer-based test (CBT) of objective type (multiple-choice questions) carrying a maximum of 150 points.There will be three sections in the CBT: (1) General Awareness (to test a candidate’s general knowledge, including current affairs) (2) Quantitative Aptitude (to assess basic math skills, such as algebra, numbers, geometry, statistics, and data interpretation at the level of tenth grade) (3) Verbal Comprehension and Logical Reasoning (to assess a candidate’s comprehension and communication skills, analytical ability, decision-making and problem-solving skills, and general mental ability)
The sole purpose of this exam is to serve as a screening test and will not be counted for the final selection of Fellows. There will be negative marks for incorrect answers (-0.33 for every incorrect answer). The test centers will be in major cities in Tamil Nadu and at Bengaluru, Delhi, Mumbai, Ernakulam, Hyderabad, Kolkata, Puducherry, and Vishakapatnam. The availability of test centers is subject to change. - Comprehensive Examination is a written examination. The questions are essay-type, case-based, and analytical in nature. Questions will focus on topics including Governance, Social Justice and Inclusion, Technology, Economic and Social Development, Sustainable Development, Poverty, Demographics, Environment, Biodiversity, Climate Change, Agriculture, Disaster Management, Schemes and Policies of the Government of Tamil Nadu, and Tamil Heritage and Culture. The test center(s) will be based in Chennai (subject to change).
Candidates will be shortlisted for the Personal Interview based on their performance in the Comprehensive Examination. - Personal Interview will be conducted to test the candidate’s intellectual and emotional quotient, knowledge of current affairs, problem-solving skills, and ability of systemic thinking. Testing of working knowledge of Tamil will be a part of this phase of the selection process. The personal interview will be conducted in Chennai only.
The final merit list will be based on the combined score from the candidate’s Comprehensive Examination and Personal Interview.
Should you face any difficulty in filling in the online application form, please feel free to write to: tncmfpappqueries@gmail.com
The online applications can be filed on the web portal www.tn.gov.in/tncmfp or www.bim.edu/tncmfp. The last date for receiving the online applications is August 26, 2024. There is no application fee for the fellowship selection process. No other mode of submission of applications will be accepted.
Important Dates
Dates are subject to change. Please visit www.tn.gov.in/tncmfp or www.bim.edu/tncmfp for updated dates.
Acceptance of applications will close at 11:59 P.M. on August 26, 2024.
Details | Date |
Online Application opens | August 06, 2024 |
Online Application deadline | August 26, 2024 |
Downloading e-ticket for the examination | September 05, 2024 |
Date of Preliminary Assessment | September 15, 2024 |
Comprehensive Examination | October 06, 2024 |
Personal Interview | November 19, 20, and 21, 2024 |
Commencement of Fellowship | November 2024 |
Fellowship Responsibilities
Induction to the Fellowship programme begins with a mandatory 30-day orientation programme at the Anna Administrative Staff College, Chennai (a detailed programme structure will be given on www.bim.edu/tncmfp). Upon satisfactory completion of the orientation programme, Fellows will be attached to various government departments identified by the Special Programme Implementation Department. Their primary role will be to identify issues, conduct data-driven analyses, and aid data-driven decision-making on the assigned programmes to address the gaps and optimize the service delivery. They have to undertake field visits to districts to assess the ground situation, elicit feedback, and assist in appropriate follow-up actions. The Fellows are required to submit their monthly activity reports to the Special Programme Implementation Department and BIM for review, guidance, and performance assessment. They will be allocated responsibilities as per the requirements that may arise from time to time. The Fellows will submit the final project report (s) at the end of the two-year term.
Sectoral Coverage and Thematic Monitoring
The Government has identified twelve thematic areas for synergies in implementation, monitoring and evaluation by grouping the various departments and schemes. The Fellows will get an opportunity to work in one or more of these thematic areas as decided by the SPID, GoTN.
Thematic Areas
- Augmentation of water resources
- Agricultural production, Productivity, and creation of Marketing Linkages
- Housing for All
- Improving Educational Standards
- Improving Health Indicators
- Social Inclusion
- Infrastructural and Industrial Development
- Skill Development and Entrepreneurship Development
- Institutional Credit
- Heritage and Culture
- Ecological Balance
- Data Governance
Academic Partnership with BIM
The selection of the candidates for the Fellowship program, program architecture, course curriculum, pedagogy, faculty and research resources, and evaluation will be carried out by Bharathidasan Institute of Management (BIM) Tiruchirappalli. Founded in 1984, BIM is a leading management institution with a mission to nurture socially responsible and competent leaders. BIM fosters innovative practices in designing the curriculum, pedagogy and ecosystem engagement. BIM engages in meaningful research with deep social and corporate impact, and believes in sharing of knowledge with the community, industry and the Government for ecosystem value creation. BIM believes that by adding a multiplier effect in the ecosystem value creation, the state of Tamil Nadu can realize the present Government’s aspirational goal of making TN a Trillion Dollar economy. BIM is committed to supporting these initiatives by making the Fellowship Program a lifelong experience to cherish by the Fellows.
BIM strives to focus on three areas, namely Industry 4.0, Operational Excellence, and Sustainable Development Goals, altogether leading to Society 5.0. To achieve this, BIM has a comprehensive curriculum and pedagogy to create “π” shaped professionals. The crossbeam represents the deep foundational knowledge and expertise in all functional management areas through the various core and elective courses. One of the two pillars of π represents the new-age applications in business and management. The other pillar represents the universal human values and practise courses that enhance personality, instil team spirits and foster sustainable living critical to success in business, career, and life.

Programme Design
Upon induction, the fellows will undergo the orientation programme and it will be intensive, and fellows will be put through different modules, and assignments in various forms will be given for each module. This orientation
Before this orientation, selected fellows will be required to complete Harvard Business Publishing Education Foundation Courses including Quantitative Methods, Spreadsheet Modeling, and Financial Accounting.
BIM Orientation Modules
Module 1: Statistical Methods and Data Visualization
This is a rigorous introductory statistics and data analysis module, and fellows undergoing this module will be able to use statistical Reasoning and methods in their projects, department assignments, and careers.
Introduction and Causality – Randomized Studies – Observational Studies – Descriptive Statistics – Visualizing Univariate Distribution – Survey Sampling – Summarizing Bivariate Relationships – Clustering – Prediction – Linear Regression – Regression and Causality – Probability – Conditional Probability – Random Variables and Probability Distributions – Large Sample Theorems – Unbiasedness and Consistency – Standard Error – Confidence Intervals – Hypothesis Testing – Linear Regression with Uncertainty – Interpret results of Data Analyses and Statistical Inferences – Visualization and Dashboard Building – Report writing
Module 2: Economics for Public Policy
This module gives an introduction to the basic concepts of microeconomics. It is also designed to provide the fellows with a broad understanding of applying these concepts in different sectors. Microeconomics studies how individuals and firms make choices and how these choices interact in society. The distinguishing feature of the economic approach is the emphasis on rational decision-making under conditions of scarcity. They will study how markets work with a focus on analyzing the effects of public policy on the welfare of society. Fellows will also learn to apply microeconomics concepts to critical issues and sectors such as healthcare, trade, agriculture, employment, and climate change. Topics covered include Demand and Supply, Consumer Theory, Production and Costs, Market Structure, Externalities, and Taxation.
Module 3: Public Finance
This module intends to introduce the theory and practice of how government finances itself from both positive and normative points of view. It reviews rationales for government intervention in the marketplace, analyses methods of resolving conflicts over the size of the public sector’s budget, extensively researches the causes and issues of various sources of public revenue and reviews the effects of public sector spending and taxes on the economy. Topics include National and State Debt, Public Sector: Functions and Institutions, Public Goods, Taxation, Tax Incidence and Burden, Individual and Business Taxation, Social Security and Transfer Programs, Tax Administration, Fiscal policy and federalism, Revenue Sharing, and Stabilization Policy.
Module 4: Essential Writing Skills
Written communication is an integral element of being a public policy practitioner. Writing government agencies and departments, public sector undertakings, advocacy groups, industry associations, and other contexts in the scope of public policy differs from academic writing. Thus, this module anticipates fellows to convey critical thinking by anticipating readers’ needs and stakeholders’ perspectives in the practice of shaping public policy. The writing skills essential to this process include developing necessary and persuasive content, communicating complex ideas, organizing information, targeting diverse audiences with varying levels of expertise and roles, ensuring clarity, controlling tone, and designing a document for readability. Fellows analyze real-world documents relevant to careers in public policy, craft strategic quotes for news releases, and write policy one-pagers as well as policy memos. In addition, writing samples and guides specific to public policy will be provided.
Module 5: Cost-Benefit Analysis
As public policy practitioners, they are often presented with making economically efficient decisions – that is, how does one gain the most benefit for society, given the limited resources. Cost-benefit analysis (CBA) is an analytical tool used to determine the worth of a project, program, or policy. It identifies and attempts to quantify the costs and benefits of the project or program and provides decision-makers with manageable information to find the “best optimal” outcome. Topics include Overview of Cost-Benefit Analysis – Economic Foundations, Valuing Benefits and Costs, Time Preference and Discounting, Non-market Valuation, Risk and Uncertainty, and Limitations and Alternatives to CBA.
Module 6:
Sustainable Development (SD) is defined as “development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.” The most critical resources for the survival of future generations are climate stability and biodiversity. Therefore, we have to respect the planetary boundaries of economic activity today. However, today many people are still far from meeting their basic needs, especially in developing countries. This module provided a basic understanding of these challenges, introduced strategies and instruments for sustainable development. Topics include basic concepts, strategies, measurement, Efficiency and Innovation, Green Growth and Rebound, Sufficiency, Income and Labour, Consumption and Lifestyles, UN Sustainable Development Goals, Poverty and Inequality, Instruments for SD, Governance, Education and Science System, Climate Change, and Biodiversity.
Module 7: Program Evaluation
Globally, various government departments, funding agencies, organizations, and individuals are involved in activities meant to improve some aspect of people’s lives: providing drinking facilities, building schools and hospitals, and child nutrition schemes are a few examples. The needs addressed by these programs are often compelling, and the programs themselves can be innovative and inspiring. Topics covered in this module include Context of Program Evaluation, Needs Assessment, Probability Sampling, Program Theory Evaluation – Logic Models, Process Evaluation, Outcome Evaluation – Identifying and Measuring Outcomes, Development of KPIs – Assessing Program Impact, Regression Discontinuity, Quasi-Experiments, Interpretation and Presentation of Program Evaluation Evidence.
In addition, modules on Gender and Development, Urban Economics, Rural Development, Energy Economics, Environmental Policy, Food, and Agricultural Policy may be covered on a need basis.
These modules will be delivered by a mix of faculty from institutions of national and international repute with domain expertise in the areas of public economics, policy and analysis, and empirical methods.
In addition, the fellows are expected to submit a comprehensive report (at least three major projects) with respect to their attached departments during their first year of the programme.
Year – II
Each fellow must submit a thesis before the end of their second year to be eligible for the Post-Graduate Certificate offered by BIM.
The thesis is a major research project that is conducted under the supervision of their academic mentor at BIM. The completed thesis must be presented and successfully defended in an oral examination administered by a formal thesis committee comprising BIM Faculty, Bureaucrats, and External Experts. Thesis credit is awarded when a final draft is approved by this evaluation committee. It is important to note that a thesis must contain original work and cannot be submitted as a paper in other courses.
Upon satisfactory completion of the course modules, first-year project report, comprehensive viva-voce examination, and successful completion of thesis, BIM will award Post-Graduate Certificate in Public Policy and Management to eligible fellows.