VYUGA Clubs & Committees

If all you’re trying to do is essentially the same thing as your rivals, then it’s unlikely that you will be successful. A strategy is about making choices, trade-offs and deliberately choosing to be different. A strategy is about understanding the competitive forces and their underlying causes which reveals the roots of industry while providing a framework for anticipating and influencing competition.

You need a strategy to win wars.

You need a strategy to win the competition.

You need a strategy to make profits.

Vyuga is the strategy club of BIM which emphasises that the fundamental element in the art of being successful is a strategy. The club provides a platform for club members to network with students having similar interests and passion for strategy. It provides opportunities for the students to apply their skills in planning, integrating and successfully executing their ideas. The club’s activity consists of the different application of logic to business strategy, analysis of business cases and inviting strategic management professionals for sharing their experience with the students during club events. Vyuga is a platform for the students to showcase their comprehensive knowledge and practical experience on how different streams of management collude together for a successful business. The club aims to find and nurture the next generation of a great strategist.

BOARDROOM: The flagship event of Vyuga is “Board room”, where students play the role of CXO, who is competing for market share and profit by devising the business strategy using his/her functional knowledge in many domains. This event gives its participants a holistic idea of running an Enterprise. The Event is conducted via a simulation game, which gives the students an opportunity to play a role of CXO to frame strategies for business and understand the nuances of running a business via a virtual world.

STRATZU: This event puts the strategic ability of the contestants to test by conducting quizzes. The most fun part about this event is the IPL auctions, where each team will be allocated with a budget. The participants should bid for the players during the auction and form a competent cricket team. And the fun doesn’t just end there. There is always a surprise round which tests the participants’ knowledge on subject matter along with the application of business strategies.

Contact Us:
e-Mail: strategy@bim.edu
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Stratbim/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/zetetica.hr

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